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Friday, January 16, 2009

Your Miracle

Let us begin the process of Destress Yourself.

What does it mean to Destress Yourself? It means to discover stressful habits and turn them into successful practices. One thing we didn't learn in school, when we were growing up, is what stressful habits are and how to manage them.

What are stressful habits? They are habitual thoughts of doubt, fear, and worry. These habitual thoughts, that have been created as we get older, create feelings of doubt, fear, and worry. When we have habitual thoughts and feelings like this we tend to limit our actions in life. This causes stress.

For example, if you have the thought that you cannot control your anger because you have tried and nothing has worked, then you may feel hopeless and therefore, end your journey of trying to decrease your anger.

Another example is, if I tell you to dream about the life you would love to live and you have thoughts of doubt that you will not be able to obtain this life then you may feel discouraged and therefore, not take actions to set and obtain these goals.

Destressing Yourself is evolving your thoughts, feelings, and actions to create confidence, faith, and hope, which will decrease your stress and increase your happiness because you are moving forward in life.

So what is Your Miracle? It is a dream life you believe you will never obtain and then obtaining and living it.

You want a Miracle? Then dream big about a life that you would love to live. Don't worry about believing it yet because that is what we will do as we destress. We will create faith in ourselves and others by eliminating doubt.

Think of your Miracle, your dream life. Dream it and dream big. Write it down and get ready to move towards it.

Don't forget to have fun and be playful, it is in your nature.


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