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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Destress and Anger Less-Lesson One

What does it mean to Destress? It means to evolve the self. It means to take responsibility of your thoughts, feelings, and actions of anger, doubt, fear, or worry and turn them into thoughts, feelings, and actions of certainty, confidence, hope, and faith in yourself and others.

If you have anger issues then I would like to suggest that you take control of your anger. How do you take control of your anger? First, we must realize that the emotion of anger is a bit of a habit and therefore, recognize that the habit of reacting with anger can be changed.

The only person that can change this habit is you. You are in charge of your thoughts. You are the only thinker of your thoughts.

This lesson on anger is to assist in the realization and awareness of our responsibility for our emotions and reactions.

Realize that anger is a habitual way of reacting to certain situations.

Be aware of thoughts, feelings, and actions when we react with anger.

Take responsibility and change your thoughts, feelings, and actions when you are about to get angry.

This sounds simple but it is not easy. It is a process.

When I was younger, in my 20's, I worked on an ambulance and I used to get so angry when we would get worked, getting call after call. One day, I realized that my anger was just a reaction because I wasn't getting what I wanted. Basically, I was throwing a temper tantrum. I do not know what happened but one day I just told myself that this was my job and if I get worked then I get worked.

My reaction changed. All of a sudden, I was more accepting. Whenever I would start to get angry, I would have a little conversation in my head encouraging myself not to get angry and I wouldn't.

How does anger help? It doesn't help at all. It offends the person you show anger to and worst of all it hurts the person who gets angry.

How does it hurt the person who gets angry? Well, first of all it creates unhappiness. Second, it is unhealthy due to the stress, the increased heart rate, and the high blood pressure. And finally, it offends the person you get angry at and lessens the relationship.

In this lesson I would like to encourage realization, awareness, and responsibility. If anger is affecting your life and your happiness then subscribe to this blog and stay tuned for more lessons on how to Destress and Anger Less.

All the best,


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